One of the esteemed actresses in the Indian film fraternity, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, is prominently known for working in Telugu and Tamil films. Today, April 28th, the actress turns 37 years old, and friends and well-wishers are wishers her on this auspicious day. On the occasion of her birthday, the Diva also surprises them, with the announcement of her debut venture as a producer, “Bangaram.”
Birthday Surprise: Samantha Ruth Prabhu Unveils First Motion Poster of Bangaram
On Sunday the actress took to her Instagram handle and unveiled first motion poster of her debut produce venture Bangaram, and captioned it: “Not everything has to glitter to be golden…Starting soon“
More About Bangaram Poster
The poster showcased actress Samantha brandishing a gun towards the camera against a backdrop of a bloodied face. While the details of the film remain under wraps, it is scheduled for a theatrical release in 2025 under the production house Tralala Moving Pictures. The actress also gave a hint about the filming, which will begin soon.
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