Nadikar Box Office Collection Day 2: Lal Jr.’s latest Malayalam film was released in theatres on May 3rd, under the banners Godspeed Cinema and Mythri Movie Makers. Features teamed up with the venture are Tovino Thomas, Divya Pillai, Balu Varghese, Suresh Krishna, Soubin Shahir, and Shine. Tom Chacko Indrans, Anoop Menon, and Bhavana play crucial roles. After opening with a decent number, it witnessed a huge dip at the domestic box office. Scroll down for a detailed report.
Nadikar Second Day Domestic Theatres Occupancy Report
According to the industry tracker report, the film had an overall 18.00% Malayalam occupancy on 1st Saturday nationwide. Morning shows footfalls were 11.32%, afternoon shows footfalls were 16.96%, followed by evening and night shows footfalls were 17.02%, and 26.71% respectively.
Tovino Thomas‘s Nadikar Box Office Collection Day 2 Report
As per the industry tracker report, the Malayalam horror comedy film was opened with a decent ₹ 1.35 Cr net in India, followed by a huge 42.96% decline on the second day, adding ₹ 0.77 Cr net, bringing the total domestic net to ₹ 2.12 Cr within 2 days.
More About Nadikar
The Malayalam comedy drama film was released in theatres on May 3rd, under the banner Godspeed Cinema and Mythri Movie Makers, directed by Lal Jr., with a with a story penned by Suvin S. Somasekharan and produced by Naveen Yerneni. Y. Ravi Shankar, Allan Antony, and Anoop Venugopal. Features teamed up with the venture are Tovino Thomas, Divya Pillai, Balu Varghese, Suresh Krishna, Soubin Shahir, Shine Tom Chacko Indrans, Anoop Menon, Bhavana, and others.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all box office collections are taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.