The top-grossing Malayalam film of 2024, Manjummel Boys (approximately Rs 241.03 Cr), directed and written by Chidambaram, received huge applause from film enthusiasts and critics at the All Time Blockbuster. The talented director has now collaborated with Phantom Studios to make his Bollywood debut. The collaboration is hinting to create a new milestone and take the Infian film pride to another level.
Manjummel Boys director and writer Chidambaram set to debut in Bollywood collaborating with Phantom Studios!
Today, July 17, Phantom Studios took to its official Twitter handle and announced this massive collaboration and wrote: “Here’s to new beginnings 🥂
We’re thrilled to commence a new collaborative journey with the immensely talented #Chidambaram ! He’s made his mark in the south with his unique vision and storytelling prowess, and we’re excited to work on his debut in hindi cinema!”
The CEO of Phantom Studios, Srishti Behl, took to Twitter and shared: “He has smashed box office records with Manjummel Boys, and we’re excited to see the magic we make together.”
More About Director Chidambaram
The multiskilled director Chidambaram, a.k.a. Chidambaram S. Poduval, is well known for his Malayalam films. He debuted in 2021 with the Malayalam comedy drama Jan.E.Man, followed by showcasing his unique talent through 2024’s All-Time Blockbuster Manjummel Boys. Now he is all set to debut in Bollywood with Phantom Studios. More details related to this collaboration have yet to be announced.
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