Malayalam mystery thriller Rorschach in Hindi Dubbed: The Nissam Basheer-directed dark psychological mystery thriller “Rorschach,” featuring Mammootty, Sharafudheen, Jagadish, Grace Antony, Bindu Panicker, Kottayam Nazeer, Sanju Sivram, and Asif Ali, premiered in worldwide theatres on 7 October 2022. The Malayalam film unfolds a gripping plot packed with mysterious activities and has the potential to keep the audience on the edge of their seat.
Where to watch Malayalam mystery thriller Rorschach in Hindi Dubbed?
The dynamic Mammootty’s Mammootty Kampany-produced dark thriller, after enjoying a month of box office run, started streaming on Disney+ Hotstar from November 11, 2022 in Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. It received positive reviews from the audience as well as critics, and on the reputed news portal IMDb, it achieved a 6.9 rating, based on 6,846 individuals.
The film follows the principal character of the film, Luke Antony (Mammootty), who has a mysterious past and who comes to a village in search of his missing wife. His skeptical activities raise questions among villagers. What is the real motive of Luke Antony?
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