Aanand L Rai directed the much-awaited Hindi romantic drama film “Tere Ishk Mein,” headed to grace the silver screens on November 28th, 2025, under Colour Yellow Production. Stars teamed up with the film are Dhanush, Kriti Sanon, and others who are teaming up with this epic love saga. Himanshu Sharma & Neeraj Yadav wrote the plot for the film, and was backed by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Aanand L Rai & Himanshu Sharma.
Tere Ishk Mein Movie (2025) details breakdown
Title | Tere Ishk Mein |
Release Date | November 28th, 2025 |
Tagline | “Some souls are meant to collide. Some love stories are destined to burn brighter.” |
Origin Language | Hindi |
Genre | Romantic, Drama |
Director | Aanand L Rai |
Writers | Himanshu Sharma & Neeraj Yadav |
Producers | Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Aanand L Rai & Himanshu Sharma |
Co Producer | Shiv Chanana & Sandeep Nair |
Executive producer | Ashish Vishnu Tandel |
Cast | Kriti Sanon, Dhanush and others |
Cinematography | Tushar Kanti Ray |
Music | Hiral Viradia |
Lyrics | Irshad Kamil |
Singer | Nitesh Aher |
Action Director | Sunil Rodrigues |
Sound Designer | Resul Pookutty |
Costume Designer | Rushi Sharma, Manoshi Nath |
Production Designer | Sandeep Ravade |
Budget | Approx. ₹ 70-100 Cr |
Production Banner | Colour Yellow Production |
Watch Tere Ishk Mein Teaser
Watch Tere Ishk Mein Trailer
FAQs Related Tere Ishk Mein Movie (2025)
Q. Who is the director of the movie Tere Ishk Mein?
A. Tere Ishk Mein was directed by the Aanand L Rai.
Q. What is Tere Ishk Mein movie release date?
A. The Hindi movie is scheduled to release in the theatres on November 28th, 2025.
Q. Who are the stars of the movie Tere Ishk Mein?
A. Kriti Sanon, Dhanush and others are teamed up with the venture Tere Ishk Mein.
Q. What is the genre of the movie Tere Ishk Mein?
A. Chhaava is a Hindi Romantic, Drama-genre film.
Q. What is the budget of Tere Ishk Mein?
A. The Hindi romantic drama film was made with a budget of around ₹ 70-100 Cr.
I hope this article is very useful for you. If you like this article, please share it with your friends and family, and also let us know your queries in the comments.
Read Also: Chhaava Movie (2025): Release date, Budget, Cast & Crew details breakdown, Teaser and Trailer