Early this morning, Alia Bhatt Shared Raha Some Gifts Pictures, which were given by Rhea Chatterjee. Alia Bhatt As we know, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are the most beautiful couple in Bollywood. They married on April 14, 2022, after they both finished the movie Brahmastra. They had a beautiful, intimate wedding ceremony on their house balcony with their close friends and family.
Alia Bhatt Shared Raha Some Gifts Pictures
Rhea Chatterjee gave Raha a “bedding set,” which looked very sweet and awesome. And this morning Alia Bhatt shared a picture of a bedding set, and she wrote on the picture, “The most gorgeous bedding set.. thank you, my lovely Rhea Maasi @rheachatterjee24 @rearrangehome.” Alia Bhatt felt very happy after she received that gift for her daughter.
Alia Bhatt 2023 Upcoming Movies
After the Brahmastra movie, Alia Bhatt took a long rest and gave time to her husband, Ranbir Kapoor, and his family. but alia bhatt will start soon ground shooting of her upcming two movie “Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani” which is schedule 28 Apr, 2023 and the second one this “Jee Le Zaraa” which is schedule on 2023 not cofirmed the exact date.
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