Catch Sorgavaasal Hindi dubbed version online: The debutante Sidharth Vishwanath directed 2024’s noteworthy addition to Tamil cinema, “Sorgavaasal,” which debuted at the Indian theatres on 29 November under the banners Swipe Right Studios & Think Studios. The talented duo RJ Balaji and Selvaraghavan portrayed lead roles in the film, supported by Karunas, Sharaf U Dheen, Samuel Abiola Robinson, Saniya Iyappan, Natty Subramaniam, and Balaji Sakthivel. The film was applauded for its exploration of the complexities within the jail system, notable performance by the star-studded cast, and gripping narrative.
Where to Catch Sorgavaasal Hindi dubbed version online?
The plot of the film draws inspiration from the 1999’s Madras Central Prison riots. It revolves around an ordinary imprisoned man, Parthiban (RJ Balaji), who is falsely accused of murdering a former IAS officer. After he entered jail, he faced challenges against the corrupt system in prison. How he will survive the terrifying ordeal will be worth watching. The talented RJ Balaji and Selvaraghavan added an impactful flavour to this crime thriller.
After around a month of theatrical run, on December 27, 2024, it started streaming on the OTT giant Netflix in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam languages, with a runtime of 134 minutes (2 hours and 14 minutes).
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