Chandu Champion Box Office Collection Day 10: Kabir Khan’s latest directorial The Hindi biopic sports drama film “Chandu Champion” was released on June 14th, led by Kartik Aaryan, alongside Vijay Raaz, and Bhuvan Arora in crucial roles. After massive growth on the second Saturday, the Sunday managed the 2nd top net collection since release, ₹ 8.01 Cr, and breached the Half Century Milestone. From tomorrow (2nd Monday), it is expected that the film will hold better than the opening week due to the makers announcement of the BOGO (Buy One, Get One) offer.
Kartik Aaryan’s Chandu Champion Box Office Collection Day 10 Enters Half Century Club!
According to the film critic and business analyst Sumit Kadel’s report, Kartik Aaryan’s heart touching biopic Chandu Champion raised an impressive ₹ 49.75 Cr net within the first 9 days, followed by on day 10 (2nd Sunday) it witnessed another 27.14% spike and added the outstanding ₹ 8.01 Cr net. Now the film exceeded the Half Century club, and stands at ₹ 57.76 Cr, with all eyes on ₹ 70 Cr+ lifetime business in India.
Chandu Champion 10 Days Domestic Net Collection hit Half Century Milestone!
Chandu Champion Day 1 Net Collection: ₹ 5.40 Cr
Chandu Champion Day 2 Net Collection: ₹ 7.70 Cr
Chandu Champion Day 3 Net Collection: ₹ 11.01 Cr
Chandu Champion Day 4 Net Collection: ₹ 6.01 Cr
Chandu Champion Day 5 Net Collection: ₹ 3.60 Cr
Chandu Champion Day 6 Net Collection: ₹ 3.40 Cr
Chandu Champion Day 7 Net Collection: ₹ 3.01 Cr
Chandu Champion 1st Week Collection: ₹ 40.13 Cr
Chandu Champion Day 8 Net Collection: ₹ 3.32 Cr
Chandu Champion Day 9 Net Collection: ₹ 6.30 Cr
Chandu Champion Day 10 Net Collection: ₹ 8.01 Cr
Chandu Champion Total Domestic Net: ₹ 57.76 Cr
More About Chandu Champion
The Hindi biographical sports drama film was helmed by Kabir Khan, with stories penned by Sumit Arora, Sudipto Sarkar, and director Kabir Khan and narrated by Sonali Kulkarni. Stars teamed up with the venture are Kartik Aaryan, Vijay Raaz, Bhuvan Arora, Yashpal Sharma, Rajpal Yadav, Aniruddh Dave, and others. The film was released in theaters on June 14 under the production houses Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment and Kabir Khan Films.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all box office collections are taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.