Is Tamil thriller Chithha available in Hindi Dubbed online: 2023’s Tamil-immersing crime drama revenge thriller “Chithha,” directed and written by S. U. Arun Kumar, was released on the big screen on 28 September 2023, with the star-studded, versatile Siddharth in the titular portrayal, supported by Tamil debutant Nimisha Sajayan, Anjali Nair, Baby Sahasra Shree, and Baby S. Aafiyah Tasneem. Yes, simultaneously with the Tamil version, it is available in the Hindi-dubbed version on Disney+ Hotstar.
Where Tamil thriller Chithha available in Hindi Dubbed?
The plot of the film begins with Eeswaran (Siddharth), who is, professionally, a government employee, loving and responsible with his niece Sundari (Baby Sahasra Shree). Their peaceful life turns with twists and moral dilemmas when an unexpected, disturbing incident happens to them. How will Eeswaran overcome these challenges?
If you missed the chance to watch it in theatres, here is a chance for you to experience it on the small screens on Disney+ Hotstar, which is streaming in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada languages with a runtime of 138 minutes (2 hours and 18 minutes). It achieved a notable 8.2 rating on IMDb, based on 8,479 individual reviews.
Watch Chithha Trailer
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