Advait Chandan-directed Hindi comedy-drama film, featuring Khushi Kapoor, Junaid Khan, Grusha Kapoor, Ashutosh Rana, Tanvika Parlikar, and others, is locked to grace the big screens on February 7th, 2025, under the banners AGS Entertainment and Phantom Films. The plot revolves around lovebirds Khushi Kapoor and Junaid Khan’s character. After Junaid Khan went to Khushi Kapoor’s father to give a proposal of marrying each other, her father told them to switch their phones for a day before marrying each other.
Loveyapa Movie (2025) details breakdown
Title | Loveyapa |
Release Date | February 7th, 2025 |
Origin Language | Hindi |
Genre | Comedy, Drama |
Director | Advait Chandan |
Adapted screenplay and dialogues | Sneha Desai |
Producer | Aghoram Kalpathi, Ganesh Kalpathi, Suresh Kalpathi, Pradeep Ranganathan, Srishti Behl, Bhavna Talwar, Madhu Mantena |
Executive producer | Alok Sinha |
Cast | Khushi Kapoor, Junaid Khan, Grusha Kapoor, Ashutosh Rana, Tanvika Parlikar, Kiku Sharda, Devishi Mandan, Aaditya Kulshreshth, Nikhil Mehta, Jason Tham, Yusus Khan, Yuktam Kholsa, and Kunj Anand |
Cinematography | Rajesh Nare |
Music | White Noise Collective, Tanishk Bagchi, Suvyash Rai, Siddharth Singh |
Lyrics | Som, Gurpeet Saini, Dhrruv Yogi |
Original Background Score | Ketan Sodha, Suyyash Rai, Siddharth Singh, Viplove Rajdeo |
Editor | Antara Lahiri |
Director of choreography | Farah Khan (Rehna Kol), Bosco Leslie Martis (Loveyapa ho gaya) |
Sound design and Recordist | Pritam Das |
Costume Designer | Priyanka Lahiri |
Production Designer | Chayati Kaushik |
Budget | Approx. ₹ 40-50 Cr |
Production Banner | AGS Entertainment, Phantom Films |
Watch Loveyapa Trailer
FAQs Related Loveyapa Movie (2025)
Q. Who is the director of the movie Loveyapa?
A. Loveyapa was directed by the Advait Chandan.
Q. What is Loveyapa movie release date?
A. The Hindi movie is scheduled to release in the theatres on February 7th, 2025.
Q. Who are the stars of the movie Loveyapa?
A. Khushi Kapoor, Junaid Khan , Grusha Kapoor, Ashutosh Rana, and others are teamed up with the venture.
Q. What is the genre of the movie Loveyapa?
A. Loveyapa is a Hindi Comedy, Drama-genre film.
Q. What is the budget of Loveyapa?
A. The Hindi comedy, drama film was made with a budget of around ₹ 40-50 Cr.
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