Mouni Roy told a Story Among the Many Stories of India on Instagram. She tried to give a message to all the audiences, which will teach you many things. She told the story of “Elephants and Mice.” Many people may have heard the story, but the story will still bring you down to earth if you try to apply it in your own life.
A mouse who requests that elephants change their route? who later rescued the elephants from the hunters’ net. May we remember the moral of the story “A Friend in Need, A Friend Indeed,” but if we take a second look, we see that they took pity on the mice and changed their route.
Mouni Roy Told a Story Among the Many stories of India
which teach us to be considerate of other people’s hardships, especially those that are less privileged. Though this change may have been difficult for us, it made a world of difference to someone else. When the mice promised the elephants that they would help the herd, the elephants laughed. Yet in the time of their need, the smallest creatures humbled the mighty and rescued them. So from here we takeaway is that “It’s not the size of someone’s Generosity but the INTENT that matters.”
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