Suman Kumar directed the highly anticipated Tamil comedy film “Raghu Thatha,” featuring Keerthy Suresh, M.S. Baaskar, and Ravindra Vijay, gearing up for its grand release this Independence Day (15 August) under the banner Hombale Films. On Monday (5th August), makers unveiled the single Poruthhiru Selva-lyrical video on social media, which showcases the male lead Ravindra Vijay’s wedding proposal to the leading lady Keerthy Suresh, who was rejected by the lady due to her progressive thinking.
Sean Roldan’s composition Poruthhiru Selva-Lyrical video out now!
The Sean Roldan composed and arranged lyrical video was sung by S.P. Charan, with lyrics penned by Sean Roldan and Manoj Kumar Kalaivanan.
Watch Poruthhiru Selva-Lyrical video
More About Raghu Thatha
The Tamil comedy film was directed and written by Suman Kumar, backed by Vijay Kiragandur, with cinematography handled by Yamini Yagnamurthy, edited by T.S. Suresh, and music composed by Sean Roldan. Stars in the venture are Keerthy Suresh, M. S. Baaskar, Ravindra Vijay, and others.
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