Priyanka Chopra Finally Reveals Her Daughter Malti Marie Face, and fans say she has Nick Jonas‘ lips. So finally, Priyanka Chopra shared her daughter’s new pictures. Malti Marie Chopra Jonas In this post, we will discuss her daughter in brief.
She posted pictures of her daughter on Instagram stories early Wednesday morning. She’s madly in love with Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. She also has very attractive lips. And it looks like her daughter was in sleeping mode while she clicked.
The baby wore a white sweater and a pink hat, with a blanket wrapped around her. We can see her daughter’s face in this photo; she drew her heart on it, but Priyanka only showed half of her face. Maybe she will soon reveal her daughter’s full face. I am very excited to see her full face. Priyanka also wrote in the caption, “I mean… (heart eyes and face with three hearts emojis).” Malti’s pacifier and a toy were also seen next to her.
And this picture was also shared by someone from news and media social accounts, as well as a fan account, with everyone commenting and loving it. “Awwe, finally… such a pretty kiddo.” Another person commented, “Beautiful princess.” “She’s such a cutie,” read an Instagram comment. “Malti Marie is so beautiful. I just love her,” wrote an Instagram user. “If you look at her closely, she’s got Nick’s lips,” said another fan.
Priyanka Chopra Official Instagram Photo
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