Pushpa 2 The Rule box office early estimate day 1: Sukumar directed and wrote the action drama sequel “Pushpa 2: The Rule,” featuring Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, Fahadh Faasil, Jagapathi Babu, Dhananjaya, and others, keeping the box office on fire. While it started the box office rampage from the pre-booking, it became the first-ever Indian film that grossed a humongous Rs 91.24 Cr domestically for the opening day early booking (excluding block seats), and globally this booking surpasses the remarkable Approx Rs 140 Cr gross mark. As a result, the latest box office trend is hinting at the opening day Indian net estimate aiming to surpass the Rs 160 Cr club.
Pushpa 2 The Rule box office early estimate day 1 is set to shatter all-time opening day records!
As per the box office early trend, it mints Rs 160 Cr net in India; by the end of the opening day, the total net collection will hit the Rs 180-190 Cr club and create a history of being the top opening day net scorer film, alongside that too on a non-holiday, which marks it for the first in the history of Indian cinema. Out of the collection alone, the Hindi version targets to score Rs 68-73 Cr and beats the all-time top Hindi net opening film, Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan (Rs. 65.50 Cr), with a high note, and the original version, i.e., Telugu, targets to rack around Rs 90-100 Cr net.
Top 10 Hindi Net Opener Films of All Time
- Pushpa 2 The Rule: Rs 68-73 Cr *early estimate
- Jawan – Rs. 65.50 Cr
- Animal – Rs. 63.80 Cr
- Pathaan – Rs. 57 Cr
- Stree 2 – Rs. 55.4 Cr
- KGF 2 – Rs. 53.95 Cr
- WAR – Rs. 53.35 Cr
- Thugs Of Hindostan – Rs. 52.25 Cr
- Happy New Year – Rs. 44.97 Cr
- Tiger 3 – Rs. 44.50 Cr
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Disclaimer: Please note that all box office collections are taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.