Ravi Teja led Mr. Bachchan Trailer out: Ravi Teja, Bhagyashri Borse, and Jagapathi Babu pivotal featuring Telugu mass romantic action thriller “Mr. Bachchan” makers unveil the trailer from the film today (7 August), 8 days earlier than the grand theatrical debut. Harish Shankar’s directed action thriller trailer shows quite a similar storyline as 2018’s Hindi-language crime thriller “Raid,” helmed by Raj Kumar Gupta, but this time makers offer a strong blend of masala and romance, which was absent in the original film. Ravi Teja’s highly anticipated actioner is scheduled to grace theaters this Independence Day (15 August).
Bhagyashri Borse and Ravi Teja led Mr. Bachchan Trailer unveils by makers!
The 2.25-minute-wide trailer showcased an honest income tax officer, Bachchan (Ravi Teja), who is not bound by duty nor by name or fame; for him, honesty for the country matters. Bachchan got an instruction from the high authority to lead a raid on the house of Mutyam Jaggaiah (Jagapathi Babu), who is one of the most reputed persons in the area. How will Bachchan handle this raid? What are the challenges he has to face on this journey? and many more things are going to unfold this Independence Day. The trailer shows a romantic angle between Bachchan and Jikki (Bhagyashri Borse).
Watch Mr. Bachchan Trailer
About Mr. Bachchan
The mass romantic entertainer was directed and written by Harish Shankar, with cinematography by Ayananka Bose, edited by Ujwal Kulkarni, music composed by Mickey J. Meyer, and financing by T. G. Vishwa Prasad, Vivek Kuchibotla, Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Abhishek Pathak, & Kumar Mangat Pathak. The film is slated to hit the big screens on August 15th, under the banners People Media Factory, T Series Films, and Panorama Studios.
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