Tamil Romantic Drama Lover in Hindi Dubbed: Million Dollar Studios and MRP Entertainment jointly produced the Tamil romantic drama film “Lover,” helmed and penned by Prabhuram Vyas, released in the cinemas on 9 February 2024. Stars collaborated with the venture are K. Manikandan in central role, supported by Sri Gouri Priya, Kanna Ravi, Saravanan, Geetha Kailasam, Harish Kumar, Nikhila Sankar, Rini, Pintu Pandu, Arunachaleswaran, and Harini. After over a month and a half of theatrical run, it started streaming on Disney+ Hotstar.
Where to watch Tamil Romantic Drama Lover in Hindi Dubbed?
The gripping romantic drama centres around Arun (Manikandan K.) and Divya (Sri Gouri Priya), who have been in a strong relationship for 6 years. When lover Divya spotlights the nuances of their relationship, both the lovebirds are split from each other. The film also shows the audience how social media takes centre stage in shaping relationships nowadays.
It received a 7 rating on IMDb, based on 2.8k individual reviews. It started streaming on Disney+ Hotstar on 27th March 2024, in Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, and Malayalam languages with a runtime of 144 minutes (2 hours and 24 minutes).
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