Thunivu is a Tamil-language crime adventure thriller heist film, starring South superstars Ajith Kumar, Manju Warrier, and many more, written and directed by H. Vinoth. This film’s story is based on a bank heist, where we watch Ajith Kumar as a heist leader. This is the 61st movie of Ajith Kumar, where he presents himself as a key character; that is why the film is also known by the name “AK-61.”
Thunivu Day 5 Advance Booking
Thunivu movie was released on January 11, 2023. This movie collected ₹5.00 Cr from its day 4 advance booking, and till now it has collected ₹3.75 Cr India Grossfrom its day 5 advance booking.
Thunivu Day Wise Advance Booking Report
Day | India Gross | Oversea Gross |
Day 1 [Tuesday] | ₹ 10.83Cr | ₹– Cr |
Day 2 [Wednesday] | ₹7.81 Cr | ₹– Cr |
Day 3 [Thursday] | ₹3.00 Cr | ₹– Cr |
Day 4 [Friday] | ₹5.00 Cr | ₹– Cr |
Day 5 [Saturday] | ₹3.75 Cr | ₹– Cr |
Please note that these are all box office collections taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.
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