Vettaiyan global box office collection day 6: Subaskaran Allirajah-backed PAN Indian action drama film “Vettaiyan,” helmed and penned by T. J. Gnanavel, huge featuring Rajnikanth, Amitabh Bachchan, Fahadh Faasil, Rana Daggubati, Manju Warrier, Ritika Singh, and Dushara Vijayan in crucial roles, hit the big screens globally on 10th October. The reputed market tracker reported that after 6 days of box office run, it has breached the Rs 200 Cr milestone at the worldwide box office. Alongside in at the domestic market, was generated Rs 110.35 Cr net, following that on day 6 (1st Tuesday) experienced a 23.21% decline and took the total domestic net collection to Rs 114.65 Cr.
Vettaiyan 6 days domestic net collection surpasses Rs 114 Cr
Vettaiyan day 1 net collection: Rs 31.7 Cr [Ta: 27.75 Cr ; Te: 3.3 Cr; Hi: 0.6 Cr; Ka: 0.05 Cr]
Vettaiyan day 2 net collection: Rs 24 Cr [Ta: 21.45 Cr ; Te: 2.1 Cr; Hi: 0.4 Cr; Ka: 0.05 Cr]
Vettaiyan day 3 net collection: Rs 26.75 Cr [Ta: 23.4 Cr ; Te: 2.65 Cr; Hi: 0.65 Cr; Ka: 0.05 Cr]
Vettaiyan day 4 net collection: Rs 22.3 Cr [Ta: 19.25 Cr ; Te: 2.35 Cr; Hi: 0.65 Cr; Ka: 0.05 Cr]
Vettaiyan day 5 net collection: Rs 5.6 Cr [Ta: 4.35 Cr ; Te: 1 Cr; Hi: 0.22 Cr; Ka: 0.03 Cr]
Vettaiyan day 6 net collection: 4.3 Cr [Ta: 3.2 Cr ; Te: 0.83 Cr; Hi: 0.25 Cr; Ka: 0.02 Cr]
Vettaiyan 6 days total domestic net collection: Rs 114.65 Cr [Ta: 99.4 Cr ; Te: 12.23 Cr; Hi: 2.77 Cr; Ka: 0.25 Cr]
Rajinikanth’s Vettaiyan global box office collection day 6 grosses Rs 6.3 Cr!
According to the report, Rajinikanth fronted action drama grossed Rs 196.50 Cr (India: Rs 128.70 Cr; Overseas: 67.80 Cr) in the last 5 days of box office run, and on 1st Tuesday the Indian market contributed only Rs 5 Cr, and the international regions grossed Rs 1.2 Cr (approx. $143K). After spending 6 days of span, the worldwide score reached the notable Rs 202.80 Cr (India: 133.80 Cr; Overseas: 69 Cr).
As per the latest report, Vettaiyan, within 6 days, at the North American market, has grossed an impressive $2.5 million (Rs 21 Cr).
After the opening weekend was over, a continuous decline trend can take the worldwide gross collection to around Rs 215 Cr till the end of the opening week. so it has to maintain a strong hold to achieve the hit title, as we have known that the actioner was made with a huge Rs 300 Cr budget. The second weekend box office growth will be clear for the future of the venture.
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