Virupaksha is a horror-thriller film that is helmed by Karthik Dandu and produced by BVSN Prasad. After it was released, this film received positive reviews from audiences and critics. This film has collected on its first opening day ₹ 7.4 crores, which are very good numbers compared with Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, which collected ₹ 15.81 crores at the box office.
KKBKKJ was also successful in the Telugu market. On the other hand, Virupaksha jumped by 23.65 percent on its second day and collected ₹ 9.15 crores. And this film earned from its 2 days a total of ₹ 16.55 crores in India net. It’s very good. Scroll down and learn about its Day 3 early trends.
Virupaksha Box Office Collection Day 3 (early Trends)
As per the early trends flowing in Sai Dharam Tej‘s Virupaksha collection on Sunday, According to the media and latest news, this film has collected ₹ 9.2 Cr on day 3 in India. And if we take a look at a total of 3 days, around ₹ 25.75 Cr India net. If we look at the worldwide collection report, the film has collected ₹ 6.00 Cr from overseas chains, ₹ 30.40 Cr India gross in 3 days, and now the total worldwide collection is ₹ 36.40 Cr.
About Virupaksha
Virupaksha is a horror thriller Telugu movie that is released on April 21, 2023. This movie is helmed by Karthik Varma Dandu and penned by Sukumar. In this film, Sai Dharam Tej, Samyuktha Menon, Sunil, Rajeev Kanakala, Brahmaji, and Ravi Krishna play the primary roles.
Read Also: Virupaksha Day 2 Box Office Collection: On the second day the film got Boost