Yodha 1st Week Global Box Office Collection: Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha directed, and Sagar Ambre wrote the Patriotic action thriller “Yodha, which was released on March 15, with the starrer Sidharth Malhotra, Raashii Khanna, and Disha Patani in the crucial roles. The film finally overtook the first week, and as per the Dharma Productions report, it successfully managed ₹ 24.14 Cr net in the last 6 days, followed by ₹ 1.95 Cr on day 7, which introduced the total opening week India net ₹ 26.09 Cr.
Yodha 7 Days India Net Box office Collection Report Based on Dharma Productions
- Yodha Day 1 India Net Collection: ₹ 4.25 Cr
- Yodha Day 2 India Net Collection: ₹ 6.01 Cr
- Yodha Day 3 India Net Collection: ₹ 7.25 Cr
- Yodha Day 4 India Net Collection: ₹ 2.25 Cr
- Yodha Day 5 India Net Collection: ₹ 2.22 Cr
- Yodha Day 6 India Net Collection: ₹ 2.16 Cr
- Yodha Day 7 India Net Collection: ₹ 1.95 Cr
Yodha Total India Net: ₹ 26.09 Cr
The industry tracker Sacnilk.com reported that the film has generated ₹ 23.35 Cr net in the last 6 days, followed by ₹ 1.9 Cr on day 7, bringing the total 1st Week India net to ₹ 25.25 Cr.
Yodha 1st Week Global Box Office Collection Raise ₹ 33.50 Cr Gross
Side by side, as the Industry Track reported, Sidharth Malhotra’s Patriotic Actioner surpasses ₹ 33 Cr gross Mark and stands at ₹ 33.50 Cr within the week. For raising the collection, the Indian market contributed ₹ 30.00 Cr, and the overseas market contributed ₹ 3.50 Cr.
About Yodha (2024) Movie
The Hindi action thriller was directed by Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha, with a story penned by Sagar Ambre and produced by Hiroo Yash Johar, Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, and Shashank Khaitan. The stars of the film are Sidharth Malhotra, Raashii Khanna, Disha Patani, Ronit Roy, Tanuj Virwani, Sunny Hinduja, and others. The cinematography was handled by Jishnu Bhattacharjee and edited by Shivkumar V. Panicker. The film arrived in global theaters on March 15th under the banners of Amazon MGM Studios, Dharma Productions, and Mentor Disciple Entertainment.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all box office collections are taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.