2024’s Brutal action thriller Pani in Hindi Dubbed: The Malayalam action thriller “Pani” marks the directorial debut of versatile Joju George, who also acted in the venture in the lead role. Alongside George, the robust cast ensemble in the movie includes Sagar Surya, Junaiz V. P., Bobby Kurian, Abhinaya, and Abhaya Hiranmayi in crucial portrayals. It was grandly entered at the worldwide theatres on 24 October 2024, under the banners of AD Studios and Appu Pathu Pappu. It grossed a handsome Rs 36.4 Cr in the lifetime worldwide box office run. Following the box office success, it aired on Sony LIV from the evening of 15th January 2025.
Where to watch 2024’s brutal action thriller Pani in Hindi Dubbed
The plot revolves around Giri (Joju George), who is leading a peaceful married life with his wife, Gowri (Abhinaya). Their healthy life is disrupted by two young men with criminal aptitude; the trials and tribulations convert their life to Thrissur’s gangster life, which sets off a set of interconnected events that intertwine power struggles, loyalty, and vengeance. It offers the audience a gripping tale with so many remarkable, brutal action sequences.
The Malayalam action thriller is now streaming on Sony LIV, in Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada languages.
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