KP & UD Motion Pictures presents the Gujarati action thriller “Samandar,” gearing up to hit the theatres on May 17th, under the direction of Vishal Vada Vala. Makers have finally released the trailer 3 weeks prior to the release date. Features teamed up with the venture are Mayur Chauhan aka Michael, and Jagjeetsinh Vadher in the lead roles, alongside Dharmendra Gohil, Deeksha Joshi, Chetan Dhanani, Mamta R Soni, Kalpana Gagdekar, and others.
Vishal Vada Vala Directorial Gujarati Samandar Trailer Unveils by the makers today
Today, on 26th April, makers are unveiling the final trailer on the KP & UD Motion Pictures’s Twitter handle and captioned it: “વાજતે ગાજતે વટની વાત, ઉદય અને સલમાન સમંદરના બાપ (Wajate Gajate Vatani Vata, father of Uday and Salman Samandar). Presenting the official trailer of #Samandar.!!! હવે સુનામી આવે છે 17મી મે ૨૦૨૪ના (Now Tsunami is coming on 17th May 2024).“
More About Samandar
The gangster action thriller is helmed by Vishal Vada Vala, the story and screenplay by Swapnil Mehta, the cinematography handled by Mihir Fichadiya, and produced by Kalpesh Palan and Udayraj Shekhwa. The story revolves around the friendship and struggle between Uday and Salman. The features that are in the film are: Mayur Chauhan, aka Michael; Jagjeetsinh Vadher; Dharmendra Gohil; Deeksha Joshi; Chetan Dhanani; Mamta R. Soni; Kalpana Gagdekar; Mayur Soneji; Reeva Rachh; Nilesh Parmar; Akshay Mehta; Dhairya Thakkar; Tirth Thakkar; Jigar Ahir; Kenil Dhamat; Rishi Panchal; Mohil Ramani; Sandeep Prajapati; Yashkumar Jani; Sandip Raval; and Dhara Trivedi. It is gearing up to release in theaters on May 17th, under the banner KP & UD Motion Pictures.
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