White Measure Entertainment and Rashmi Sharma Films present the upcoming Hindi and Gujarati bilingual film, Man of Steel: Sardar‘s first motion poster out now. The film was written and directed by Mihir Bhuta and produced by Mayur K. Barot and Rashmi Sharma jointly.
Pride of Gujarat and pride of India MAN OF STEEL-SARDAR Motion Poster Out
The first glimpse showcases the iconic 182-metre-tall “The Statue of Unity,” and it also unveils the tagline of the film, “मैं हिन्दू और मुसलमानो को खुश करने सत्ता पे नहीं बैठा, उन्हें सुखी करने के लिए बैठा हूँ (I am not in power to please Hindus and Muslims, I am in power to make them happy.)
Film critic and business analyst Taran Adarsh took to Twitter and shared the Hindi-simultaneously Gujarati motion poster for the film.
The bilingual film is directed and written by Mihir Bhuta, produced by Mayur K. Barot and Rashmi Sharma, and co-produced by Janki Naitik Patel and Yogesh Shah. The film was edited by Dharmesh Patel and Kamal Varma; the cinematography was handled by Sebastian; and the music composed by Amar Kandha.
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