Where to watch Rifle Club in Hindi dubbed (2024): Talented Aashiq Abu directed the Malayalam black comedy action thriller “Rifle Club,” which was released in the global theatres on 19 December 2024 under the banners OPM Cinemas and TRU Stories. Stars teamed up with the film are Vijayaraghavan, Dileesh Pothan, Anurag Kashyap, Vani Viswanath, Suresh Krishna, Vineeth Kumar, and Surabhi Lakshmi in pivotal roles. As per the Pinkvilla report, it closed the box office journey with a handsome Rs 30 Cr gross at the worldwide box office and is now streaming on the OTT giant Netflix.
Where to watch Rifle Club in Hindi dubbed?
The movie’s plot revolves around a couple who accidentally killed the rebellious son of a notorious underworld don in Mangalore. Fleeing for their lives, they decided to escape their living place and started staying in a remote rifle club. Can they save themselves from the underworld don, who recently lost his son?
The Malayalam action thriller started streaming from today, 16th January 2025, on Netflix, before completing a month in theatres. Whoever missed the chance to experience the masterpiece in cinemas can watch it on the OTT giant with a runtime of 112 minutes (1 hour and 52 minutes), not only in Malayalam but also in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada dubbed versions.
Watch Rifle Club Trailer
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