Sankrathiki Vasthunam global box office collection day 3: Anil Ravipudi’s directorial action drama “Sankranthiki Vasthunam” debuted at the Indian box office on 14th January 2025, with the star-studded Venkatesh Daggubati, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Aishwarya Rajesh, and Rajendra Prasad in the pivotal roles. As per the industry tracker report, the entertainer earned ₹ 43 Cr net in the opening 2 days; following that, on day 3 (1st Thursday), it showcased a remarkable hold with ₹ 17.5 Cr net. As a result, it entered the Half Century Club in the domestic market within just 3 days of its run and stands at Rs 60.5 Cr. The firm box office trend hints that it will easily achieve the Century Club before completing the extended weekend.
Sankranthiki Vasthunam 3 days Indian box office score smashes the Half Century milestone
Days | Date (All Days) | India Net Collection | Fluctuation (%+/-) |
Day 1 | 14th January (1st Tuesday) | ₹ 23 Cr | – |
Day 2 | 15th January (1st Wednesday) | ₹ 20 Cr | -13.04% |
Day 3 | 16th January (1st Thursday) | ₹ 17.5 Cr | -12.50% |
Total | All Days | ₹ 60.5 Cr | – |
Sankrathiki Vasthunam global box office collection day 3 raises Rs 22.7 Cr goss!
As per the 2-day box office update by the industry tracker, Sankranthiki Vasthunam grossed Rs 60.50 Cr (India: 50.50 Cr; Overseas: 10.00 Cr) globally. Maintaining the strong step, on day 3, the Indian box office contributes Rs 20.7 Cr gross, despite being a non-holiday, and the overseas market adds $231K (Rs 2 Cr), bringing the total 3-day worldwide gross score to Rs 83.2 Cr (India: 71.2 Cr; Overseas: 12 Cr). The worldwide box office trend is aiming to conquer the Century Club today (day 4/1st Friday).
As per the Venky Box Office Twitter handle report, in the North American market, it grossed $952,607 (Rs 8.25 Cr) in the last 2 days, following that on day 3’s last hourly box office update, it adds $120,779 (Rs 1.05 Cr) from 206 locations, bringing the 3-day total USA and Canada gross collection to $1,073,386 (Rs 9.30 Cr).
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Disclaimer: Please note that all box office collections are taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.