Alpha release date out: Shiv Rawail‘s directorial seventh installment of the YRF spy universe film “Alpha,” led by the dynamic duo Jigra actress Alia Bhatt and Vedaa actress Sharvari, marks the first female-led spy film, slated to hit the theatres on 25 December 2025, coincidentally on the occasion of Christmas 2025 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu languages, under the banner Yash Raj Films.
Alia Bhatt and Sharvari Alpha release date out now!
Today, 4th October, Yash Raj Films unveiled its inaugural poster and announced the release date. Captioned the post read: “On Christmas 2025, #ALPHA will rise! Get ready for an action-packed holiday… 25th Dec, 2025.“
Since the film was announced, fans have been eagerly waiting to experience the talented duo Alia Bhatt and Sharvari for the first time on the single screen. The latest update about the film fuels the fans anticipation; will follow the release of another immense anticipated film from the YRF Spy Universe WAR 2, scheduled to debut in theatres on 14 August 2025.