Bad News Kamal Haasan hospital in Chennai on Wednesday evening: actor Kamal Haasan has been admitted to the hospital after complaining of discomfort. That is the breaking news coming in, and we hope he’s doing better upon his return. Nathan Kamal Haasan, from the report, was admitted to a private hospital in accordance with four rules as he complained of discomfort while returning from Hyderabad. Kamal Haasan is said to be stable now. That’s the good news coming in for viewers. He’s also undergoing treatment.
The hospital will be releasing a medical bulletin very soon. We’ll wait for that until then and wish him a speedy recovery. From what we understand, he is stable at the moment, but there is a medical bulletin that is absolutely awaited.
Uhuru Hospital
Kamal Haasan was returning from Hyderabad when he has complained of fever in fact he was in Hyderabad to meet his uh Mentor Kate vishwanath and on his way back to Chennai he has complaint of fever and discomfort and uh immediately he was taken to a private Hospital in Uhuru that is in Chennai where he’s being currently undergoing treatment now Hospital sources claimed that he is a stable there but the doctors have advised him to take risks.
because Kamal Haasan has been constantly on rounds and he’s also been hosting the Tamil version of a show for the past three months and he’s been extremely busy so it looks like the hospital has advised him to take a base rate uh to kamal’s team claims that he could be uh discharged today itself depending on his uh health conditions and we’re also waiting for a bulletin from the hospital oh yes we are indeed waiting for the medical bulletin as well and keep our viewers uh updated on it uh in the meanwhile uh there is more breaking news coming in at this point of time.
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