The Bengali crime drama film Bhaggyolokkhi (Lady Luck), directed and written by Mainak Bhaumik, hit the silver screens on 10th January 2025, under the banner Nandy Movies. Stars are ensemble with the film are Ritwick Chakraborty, Solanki Roy, Subrat Dutta, Loknath Dey, Neel Mukherjee, Ratan Sarkhel, and others. The film’s plot revolves around a couple who are leading life simply, also seeing dreams ordinarily, until fate knocks on their door with a crime they never saw coming.
Bhaggyolokkhi Bengali Movie (2025) details breakdown
Title | Bhaggyolokkhi (Lady Luck) |
Release Date | January 10th, 2025 |
Origin Language | Bengali |
Genre | Crime, Drama |
Director | Mainak Bhaumik |
Associate Director | Suresh Sharma |
Story Writer | Mainak Bhaumik |
Producer | Pradip Kumar Nandy |
Associate Producer | Tumpa Nandy |
Executive producer | Megha Chatterjee |
Cast | Ritwick Chakraborty, Solanki Roy, Subrat Dutta, Loknath Dey, Neel Mukherjee, Ratan Sarkhel, Swastika Dutta, Debopriyo Mukherjee, Judhajit Sarkar, Ananya Das, Bimal Giri, and Aritra Ganguli |
Cinematography | Subhadeep Naskar |
Music | Anupam Roy |
Background Score | Savvy |
Editor | Sumit Chowdhury |
Sound Design | Samrat Roy |
Costume Designer | Priya Bala |
Production Designer | Bhola Choudhury |
VFX | Rajat Subhra Chakraborty |
Budget | Approx. ₹ 2-3 Cr |
Production Banner | Nandy Movies |
Distribution | Ssr Cinemas Pvt. Ltd. |
Watch Bhaggyolokkhi Teaser
Watch Bhaggyolokkhi Trailer
FAQs Related Bhaggyolokkhi Bengali Movie (2025)
Q. Who is the director of the movie Bhaggyolokkhi?
A. Bhaggyolokkhi Bengali Movie was directed by Mainak Bhaumik.
Q. What is Bhaggyolokkhi movie release date?
A. The Bengali crime drama was released in the theatres on 10th January 2025.
Q. Who are the stars of the movie Bhaggyolokkhi?
A. Ritwick Chakraborty, Solanki Roy, Subrat Dutta, Loknath Dey, Neel Mukherjee, Ratan Sarkhel and others are teamed up with the venture.
Q. What is the genre of the movie Bhaggyolokkhi?
A. Bhaggyolokkhi is a Bengali Crime, Drama-genre film.
Q. What is the budget of Bhaggyolokkhi?
A. The Bengali Crime Drama film was made with a budget of around ₹ 2-3 Cr.
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