Bhojpuri superstar Manoj Tiwari shares a picture of Godh Bharai and expresses the feeling of becoming a father. Bhojpuri superstar and politician Manoj Tiwari posted a picture of his second wife, Surbhi Godh Bharai, on social media. This will be their second child, and Manoj Tiwari, who is becoming a father for the third time, expressed his emotions to the audience.
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Many people in the audience and politicians congratulate Tiwari on the birth of his third child, who has yet to be born. Manoj Tiwari married his first wife, Rani, in 1999, and they have one daughter, Rhiti. Prior to marrying Manoj Tiwari, his wife’s name was Pratima Pandey. After many years of marriage, the couple divorced in 2012.
By the time Rani is seen dating Ekam Bawa, a well-known Punjabi singer, Share a photo together; they are both in a relationship, and soon they will tie the knot.
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