Koratala Siva Directed and written, the much-anticipated PAN Indian action drama Devara is set to release in two parts. The first part was expected to release on April 5, with the ensemble featuring Jr. NTR and the Telugu debutant Bollywood stars Saif Ali Khan and Janhvi Kapoor. But today, on February 16, the lead, Jr. NTR, took to Twitter and announced the new release date.
Jr.NTR Fronted Devara Part 1 Now Lock to Release on 10th October, 2024, Against Akshay Kumar Fronted Sky Force
On Friday, the RRR actor took to Twitter and announced, “Devara Part 1 releasing on 10.10.24.“
Akshay Kumar and Nimrat Kaur fronted SKY Force, which is also gearing up to release on October 2nd, a week prior to Devara Part 1’s scheduled release.
About Devara Part 1
Jr. NTR and director and writer Koratala Siva teamed up for the second time with this action drama venture, followed by 2026’s immensely acclaimed film “Janatha Garage.” The PAN India film was produced by Sudhakar Mikkilineni, Kosaraju Harikrishna, and Nandamuri Kalyan Ram. Features include NTR Jr., Saif Ali Khan, and Janhvi Kapoor, alongside Prakash Raj, Srikanth, Shine Tom Chacko, and others.
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