Mahesh Babu and Seeleela-led Telugu action drama film “Guntur Kaaram” debuted at the box office on January 12th. In this Pongal, against the rivals HanuMan, Ayalaan, Merry Christmas, and Captain Miller, The film debuted at box office with an outstanding number due to the highest advance booking of 2024. But after being released, it received mixed reviews from critics as well as moviegoers; it also received a 7.8 rating on IMDb, based on 8,728 votes. Consequently, the film saw a -67.19% dip on the second day on 1st Saturday and minted ₹ 13.55 crore net in India.
Guntur Kaaram Global Box Office Collection Day 2 Faces Huge Drop
Based on the market tracker report, Guntur Kaaram on the first day minted ₹ 41.3 Cr net in India, and Global Box Office minted ₹ 68.70 Cr gross. On the second day, the film sees a huge drop and minted only ₹ 13.55 Cr net in India, and ₹ 20 Cr (Indian Gross: ₹ 16 Cr, Overseas Gross: ₹ 4 Cr) gross at the global box office, bringing the total global gross collection to ₹ 88.70 Cr.
About Guntur Kaaram
Guntur Kaaram is a Telugu action drama film, directed and written by Trivikram Srinivas and produced by S. Radha Krishna under the banner of Haarika & Hassine Creations. The star casts teamed up for the film are Mahesh Babu, Seeleela, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Jagapathi Babu, and Ramya Krishna in the crucial roles. The action drama is set to release on January 12, 2024.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all box office collections are taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.