Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara‘s most-awaited action thriller film Jawan was previously announced to be released on June 2, but due to post-production, the makers have rescheduled the release date to September 7, 2023. After Prevue of Jawan was released, the high-octane movie grabbed the huge attention of the audience. The prevue got 112 Million views in just 24 hours on all digital platforms.
Jawan will be Distributed by YRF in International Markets to reach the wider audience
Today, July 14, 2023, YRF officially announced on its Twitter handle that Aditya Chopra’s production house will distribute the action-packed movie in the overseas market. As we know, last time Aditya Chopra and Shah Rukh Khan came together for the venture “Pathaan,” which till now has been the most collected Indian film post-Pandadomic, with a collection of around Rs. 1050 crore Worldwide gross.
Read Also: Shah Rukh Khan launches The first Poster of Jawan during #Asksrk Session