Suriya 42 Untitled Movie Title has been Locked as KANGUVA on 16 April; finally, the movie’s makers announced the title, “KANGUVA.”It is a pan-Indian movie directed by Siva and written by Madhan Karky, Adi Narayana, and Siva. And the stars are Suriya, Disha Patani, Nayanthara, Mrunal Thakur, Yogi Babu, and More, releasing under the banner of UV Creation and Studio Green, with music given by Devi Sri Prasad. It’s going to be released in early 2024 in 3D and 11 different languages. The title announcement video is right here.
Suriya Look in KANGUVA
In the announcement clip, Suriya, wearing warrior outfits, is sitting on a horse and looking marvelous. And the presentation of the title announcement is amazing, literally giving Goosebumps.
After The Rocketry: The Nambi Effect Movie, as a guest appearance, he will be part of the untitled Soorarai Pottru remake in Hindi in a special appearance, along with producing the film. The makers of Kanguva also confirmed that 50% of the shooting was completed.
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