Marco global box office collection day 16: Haneef Adeni directed and wrote the Malayalam action thriller “Marco,” featuring Unni Mukundan, Siddique, Jagadish, and others, which was released on the silver screens on 20 December 2024, running successfully in the 3rd week. As per the industry tracker report, it generated a phenomenal Rs 46 Cr net domestically in the last 15 days, continuing the 3rd weekend’s upward trend on day 16 (3rd Saturday), witnessing around a 30.95% spike and adding a remarkable Rs 2.75 Cr (rough data) net, introducing the total Indian net score of Rs 48.75 Cr.
Due to the Delhi release on 3rd January 2025, the Hindi version takes over the dominance of the Malayalam version in India, and on the 3rd Saturday for the second time (following the 1st January score of Rs 1.15 Cr), it scored over Rs 1 Cr (roughly Rs 1.25 Cr). By the end of the 3rd weekend, the entertainer is all set to proudly enter the outstanding Half Century Club in India.
Marco 16 days domestic net collection surpasses Rs 48 Cr mark
Days | Date (All Days) | India Net Collection | Fluctuation (%+/-) |
Day 1 | 20th December (1st Friday) | ₹ 4.3 Cr | – |
Day 2 | 21st December (1st Saturday) | ₹ 4.65 Cr | 8.14% |
Day 3 | 22nd December (1st Sunday) | ₹ 5.2 Cr | 11.83% |
Day 4 | 23rd December (1st Monday) | ₹ 3.9 Cr | -25.00% |
Day 5 | 24th December (1st Tuesday) | ₹ 3.5 Cr | -10.26% |
Day 6 | 25th December (1st Wednesday) | ₹ 3.5 Cr | 0.00% |
Day 7 | 26th December (1st Thursday) | ₹ 2.55 Cr | -27.14% |
1st Week | – | ₹ 27.6 Cr | – |
Day 8 | 27th December (2nd Friday) | ₹ 2.3 Cr | -9.80% |
Day 9 | 28th December (2nd Saturday) | ₹ 2.7 Cr | 17.39% |
Day 10 | 29th December (2nd Sunday) | ₹ 3.15 Cr | 16.67% |
Day 11 | 30th December (2nd Monday) | ₹ 1.6 Cr | -48.39% |
Day 12 | 31st December (2nd Tuesday) | ₹ 1.35 Cr | -15.63% |
Day 13 (New Year Eve) | 1st January (2nd Wednesday) | ₹ 3.4 Cr | 151.85% |
Day 14 | 2nd January (2nd Thursday) | ₹ 1.85 Cr | -45.59% |
2nd Week | – | ₹ 16.3 Cr | -40.94% |
Day 15 | 3rd January (2nd Friday) | ₹ 2.1 Cr | 13.51% |
Day 16 | 4th January (2nd Saturday) | ₹ 2.75 Cr *rough data | 30.95% |
Total | All Days | ₹ 48.75 Cr | – |
Unni Mukundan’s Marco global box office collection day 16 surpasses Rs 85 Cr mark!
As per the marker tracker reported earlier, in the last 15 days, the action thriller grossed Rs 82.40 Cr (India: 53.40 Cr; Overseas: 29.00 Cr). Following the footsteps on the 2nd Saturday, the handsome Indian gross contribution helped it to breach the Rs 85 Cr mark globally and slowly step towards the Century Club. There is a strong expectation that, till the Sankranti festival arrives, it will comfortably achieve the Rs 100 Cr milestone.
Marco enters Polish theatres
As per Unni Mukundan’s latest Twitter handle report, from today (5th January) onwards, it will start roaring in Polish theatres, followed in South Korea, which will deliver a strong boost to the overseas collection.
More About Marco
The Malayalam action thriller was helmed and penned by Haneef Adeni, financed by Shareef Muhammed, and stars are teamed up with the film: Unni Mukundan in a key role, alongside Siddique, Jagadish, Abhimanyu S Thilakan, Kabir Duhan Singh, Anson Paul, and Yukti Thareja in supporting roles. It debuted at the worldwide theatres on 20 December 2024, under the banner Cubes Entertainments.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all box office collections are taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.