Kiccha Sudeepa fronted the highly anticipated Kannada action thriller film “MAX (2024),” helmed by Vijay Kartikeyaa, produced by Kalaippuli S. Thanu, edited by SR Ganesh Baabu, and cinematography handled by Shekar Chandra. The makers are aiming to release the venture at the end of 2024 on a pan-India basis in Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Hindi.
MAX Kannada Movie Details Breakdown
Release Date | Yet to Announce |
Origin Language | Kannada |
Genre | Action, Thriller |
Director | Vijay Kartikeyaa |
Lead Cast | Kiccha Sudeepa |
Other Cast | Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Samyukta Hornad, Sukrutha Wagle and Anirudh Bhat |
Cinematography | Shekar Chandra |
Editor | SR Ganesh Baabu |
Music composer | B Ajaneesh Loknath |
Production Designer | Shiva Kumar J |
DI | Knack Studios |
Producer | Kalaippuli S. Thanu |
VFX | Ajax |
Production Banner | V Creations & Kichcha Creatiions |
Watch MAX Kannada Movie Teaser
FAQs Related MAX (2024) Movie
Q. Who is the director of MAX?
A. MAX film directed by Vijay Kartikeyaa.
Q. When and Where to Watch MAX?
A. The Kannada movie MAX release date has yet to be announced by the makers.
Q. Who are the stars of MAX?
A. Kiccha Sudeepa, who led the movie MAX, as well as Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Samyukta Hornad, Sukrutha Wagle, and Anirudh Bhat, among others, teamed up with the venture.
Q. What is the genre of the movie MAX (2024)?
A. MAX is a Kannada Action, Thriller-genre film.
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