Bharat Krishnamachari directed the pan-Indian fantasy adventure drama SWAYAMBHU‘s brand new poster, which was unveiled by the makers today. The features that are associated with the venture are Nikhil Siddhartha in the prominent role, alongside Samyuktha Menon, Nabha Natesh, and others.
Nikhil Siddhartha’s highly anticipated SWAYAMBHU New Poster Unveils by the makers Today
Today, a few hours prior, the lead of the film, Nikhil Siddhartha, took to Twitter and unveiled the brand new poster from the film and captioned it: “🔥 #Swayambhu Special Big Screen Experience Loading…
Shooting for some Crazy War Action Scenes.. More Surprises soon including One of the Worlds Best Technicians/FilmMaker joining the team 🔥”
Behind the Scenes of SWAYAMBHU: Exploring the Makers Rs 8 Cr Investment for a Single Shot
Recently, the filmmakers have been dedicated to crafting breathtaking action sequences featuring prominent actors in the venture, with Nikhil taking the lead in a high-budget stunt. This 12-day shoot will involve 700 Vietnamese fighters, totaling an impressive Rs 8 crore investment. This pivotal scene promises to captivate audiences and draw film enthusiasts to cinemas with its awe-inspiring spectacle.
The fantasy adventure drama thriller film, helmed by Bharat Krishnamachari and produced by Bhuvan and Sreekar, is gearing up to release in PAN India on a on a basis of Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, and Kannada. The A Tagore Madhu presentation features ensembles Nikhil Siddhartha, Samyuktha Menon, Nabha Natesh, and others.
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