Prashanth Neel helmed the much-anticipated epic action thriller “Salaar: Part 1: Ceasefire,” gearing up for its global premiere on December 22 against Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan’s film “Dunki,” in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam languages. The film stars Prabhas, Prishviraj Sukumaran, Shruti Hassan, and Jagapathi Babu in the pivotal roles. Finally, on December 9th, the PAN Indian film got clearance from the CBFC board (Central Board of Film Certification). Check out the detailed report here.
Salaar Censor Certificate and Runtime Details are here; Indicate for “ADULTS ONLY”
Based on the latest news report from iDream Media, Salaar was censored with an “A” certificate, which indicates that “ADULTS ONLY” watch this film, and also approved with 2 hours and 55 minutes (175 minutes) of runtime. The success of the “A”-certified film Animal increased the hype for the film a step ahead.
Salaar Details Breakdown
Salaar, AKA Salaar: Part 1: Ceasefire, is one of the most anticipated PAN India films of 2023, helmed and penned by KGF director Prashanth Neel. The film is all set to hit global theatres on December 22 this Christmas, against director Rajkumar Hirani and the legend of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan’s first collaboration film, “Dunki.”. The ensamble starcasts are Prabhas, Prathviraj Sukumaran, Shruti Hassan, and Jagapathi Babu in the central roles, but despite them, Bobby Simha, Tinnu Anand, and many others will play vital roles in the film.
Watch Salaar: Part 1: Ceasefire Trailer
Read Also: Salaar Trailer Review: Rebel Star Prabhas and KGF Director Prashanth Neel’s first Collaboration Set the Internet on fire!