Salman Khan’s film kisi ka bhai kisi ki jaan makes a profit of Rs. 40+ crore. The film was released on the occasion of Eid 21 April 2023 and is helmed by Farhad Samji. The film was made with a budget of Rs. 125 Cr under the production house of Salman Khan Films. Apart from facing criticism and negative reviews, movies still succeed in entering the Rs. 100 Cr club. The film manages to cross the budget; in fact, it did a worldwide business of Rs. 182.44 Cr ( Based in Bollywood Hungama report)
Salman Khan Starrer Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Makes around Rs. 40 Cr profit
Now the budget of Rs. 125 Cr And Rs. 7.37 Cr including advertisements and effigies printing, for a total investment of Rs.132.5 Cr, and Salman Khan’s starrer film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan made a profit of Rs. 40.24 Cr.
Economics of Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan
Salman Khan Films Kisi ka Bhai Kisi ki Jaan collected Rs.110 Cr net from India only and Rs. 50.86 Cr from overseas, which marks the share of the distributor at Rs. 72.61 Cr (IND distributors share Rs. 49.73 Cr and overseas distributors share Rs. 22.88 Cr). Rather than this film getting Rs. 100 Cr for sale on the Ott platform, film, music rights, and satellite rights, Now the film’s overall worldwide revenue generated Rs. 172.61 Cr, and after removing the investment of Rs.132.5 Cr, its profit was Rs. 40.24 Cr.
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