Sankranthiki Vasthunnam global collection day 9: Anil Ravipudi’s directorial Telugu action comedy film “Sankranthiki Vasthunnam” is unstoppable at the box office. The Venkatesh Daggubati, Aishwarya Rajesh, and Anil Ravipudi-starring venture accumulated Rs 128.75 Cr net in the last 8 days at the Indian box office. Following the track, on day 9/2nd Wednesday, it maintained a rock-steady hold with Rs 4.75 Cr. Now, after 9 days of domestic box office run, the total domestic net score surpasses the Rs 130 Cr mark and stands at Rs 133.5 Cr, and the latest box office trend is not showing any sign of slowing down very soon.
Sankranthiki Vasthunnam 9 days domestic net collection exceeds Rs 130 Cr mark
Days | Date (All Days) | India Net Collection | Fluctuation (%+/-) |
Day 1 | 14th January (1st Tuesday) | ₹ 23 Cr | – |
Day 2 | 15th January (1st Wednesday) | ₹ 20 Cr | -13.04% |
Day 3 | 16th January (1st Thursday) | ₹ 17.5 Cr | -12.50% |
Day 4 | 17th January (1st Friday) | ₹ 16 Cr | -8.57% |
Day 5 | 18th January (1st Saturday) | ₹ 17.75 Cr | 10.94% |
Day 6 | 19th January (1st Sunday) | ₹ 19.35 Cr | 9.01% |
Day 7 | 20th January (1st Monday) | ₹ 8.4 Cr | -56.59% |
Day 8 | 21st January (2nd Tuesday) | ₹ 6.75 Cr | -19.64% |
Day 9 | 22nd January (2nd Wednesday) | ₹ 4.75 Cr | -29.63% |
Total | All Days | ₹ 133.5 Cr | – |
Sankranthiki Vasthunnam global collection day 9 maintains rock hold and reaches Rs 186.5 Cr mark
The reputed news portal reported that Venkatesh Daggubati’s film Sankranthiki Vasthunnam has grossed Rs 178.85 Cr (Rs 151.85 Cr; overseas: 27.00 Cr, i.e., $3.12 million) in the last 8 days. Continuing the trend on day 9, the Indian market contributed Rs 5.65 Cr gross, and the international box office raised Rs 2 Cr ($231K), taking the total 9-day worldwide gross collection to Rs 186.5 Cr (Rs 157.5 Cr; Rs 29 Cr, i.e., $3.35 million).
As per the Venky box office update, in the North American market, Sankranthiki Vasthunnam grossed $2,435,855 (Rs 21.07 Cr) in the last 8 days, and on day 9, it was marching towards the $2.5 million milestone.
More About Sankranthiki Vasthunnam
The Anil Ravipudi-helmed action comedy film hit the silver screens on January 14, 2025, under the banner Sri Venkateswara Creations. Stars are teamed up with the film, including Venkatesh Daggubati, Aishwarya Rajesh, Anil Ravipudi, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Sarvadaman Banerjee, and others.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all box office collections are taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.