Sky Force box office collection day 2: Akshay Kumar’s patriotic action drama “Sky Force,” is based on India’s first airstrike, the Sargodha air base attack on Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistani air war of 1965. While this Khiladi Kumar, newcomer Veer Pahariya, Sara Ali Khan, and Nimrat Kaur pivotal featuring Republic Day weekend release (24th January) film was opened with a healthy number of Rs 15.30 Cr net in India, following that, due to immense positive reviews, 8 IMDb ratings (based on 3,818 individual reviews), on the second day it witnessed a huge 75% surge and hit the Rs 40 Cr mark.
Akshay Kumar’s Sky Force box office collection day 2 scores over Rs 20 Cr net!
As per the latest box office trend, after opening with Rs 15.30 Cr net, on the second day it sees a massive spike over Friday and is minted in the range of Rs 25-26 Cr net in India, bringing the total domestic net score to Rs 40.3-5.3 Cr. The crucial day for the venture, Republic Day, is still in the hand and can potentially exceed the remarkable Rs 30 Cr mark; the weekend score can smoothly breach the Rs 70 Cr mark.
Sky Force day wise score breakdown
Sky Force day 1 net collection; Rs 15.30 Cr
Sky Force day 2 net collection; Rs 25-26 Cr
Sky Force total net score: Rs 40.3-5.3 Cr
More About Sky Force
The Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapur-jointly helmed film was released on 24th January under the banners Jio Studios, Maddock Films, and Leo Films UK Production. Stars teamed up with the film are Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, Sara Ali Khan, Nimrat Kaur, Sharad Kelkar, and others.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all box office collections are taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.