Both Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul have been dating for a long time, and they have shared some photos of each other on social media for the past three years. According to new information, KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty’s wedding is currently the talk of B-town, with fans and celebrities alike eager to witness the grand ceremony. Now Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty recently confirmed that Athiya and KL Rahul are going to tie the knot soon.
At the opening event of Dharavi Bank, some reporters asked Suniel Shetty when Athiya Shetty was getting married to KL Rahul. Suniel responded to them with a smile, “Jaldi hogi.” Though the couple has never been vocal about their relationship, they have never shied away from public PDA and insta-love.
Though the couple has never been vocal about their relationship, they have never shied away from public PDA and insta-love. Before there was a rumor about this couple getting married, Athiya laughed and wrote down her hope that she will be invited to this wedding in three months. According to a subsequent report, Kl Rahul and Athiya Shetty have stated that they will not book a 5-star hotel for their wedding event and will instead hold the ceremony at Sunil Shetty’s “Jahan” residence in Khandala, despite the fact that a famous wedding planner seen in actor John House will finalize the arrangements and decoration.
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