In 2021, Bollywood heartthrob Vicky Kaushal and Bollywood diva Katrina Kaif tied the knot, surprising fans who were unaware of their silent relationship over the years. The couple had been dating discreetly for some time before their marriage. Recently, Vicky and his brother Sunny Kaushal appeared on “The Great Indian Kapil Show,” where host Kapil Sharma lightened the mood with jokes about Valentine’s Day. He also posed a question to Vicky, shedding light on the differences in celebrating the occasion before and after marriage.
Recently Vicky Kaushal Reveals About Early Marriage Valentine’s Day with Katrina Kaif
When Kapil Sharma asked about Valentine’s Day, Vicky shared, “Before marriage, our aim was to spend quality time together. Even after marriage, our priority remains the same to cherish each other’s company as much as possible.“
Host Kapil Sharma also agrees with Vicky’s opinion, he also added: “I agree, For me, Valentine’s Day is every day.“
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