Catch Malayalam thriller The Teacher online: The Vivek-directed and written Malayalam drama thriller “The Teacher” was released on the big screens on 2 December 2022, under the banners Nutmeg Productions and VTV Films. Amala Paul portrayed the titular role, supported by Hakkim Shah, Chemban Vinod Jose, and Manju Pillai. After the theatrical run, it’s streaming on Netflix.
Where to Catch Malayalam thriller The Teacher online?
The plot of the film revolves around a physical education teacher, Devika (Amala Paul), who becomes a victim of sexual assault when she is unconscious and gets pregnant. How will she find out the culprit? This 113-minute (1 hour and 13 minutes) wide-gripping Malayalam thriller is available to watch on Netflix in Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, and Telugu. It received a 6.3 rating on IMDb, based on 14,272 individual reviews.
Watch The Teacher Trailer
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