Netflix’s new series Black Warrant trailer out: Arkesh Ajay, Vikramaditya Motwane, Ambiecka Pandit, Rohin Raveendran Nair, and Satyanshu Singh directed the Hindi crime prison drama series “Black Warrant,” inspired by true events of Delhi’s Tihar Jail, gearing up to premiere on Netflix from 10th January, 2025. Vikramaditya Motwane and Satyanshu Singh jointly created the show, and stars are teamed up with the venture are Zahan Kapoor, Rahul Bhat, and Paramvir Singh Cheema in pivotal roles. It is adopted from journalist Sunetra Choudhury, and the former superintendent of Tihar Jail, Sunil Gupta, authored the non-fiction book “Black Warrant: Confessions of a Tihar Jailer.”
Netflix’s new series Black Warrant trailer out now!
The 2.52-minute-long gripping trailer spotlights the key character of the show, Sunil Kumar Gupta (Zahan Kapoor), who recently joined as assistant superintendent of the prison in Delhi’s Tihar Jail and struggles to survive. On the other hand, his senior Rajesh Tomar (Rahul Bhat) raises some tough situations against him. Despite all these challenges, he is strongly determined to root out the systemic problems plaguing the jail.
It showcases a glimpse of the Ranga-Billa case (the Geeta and Sanjay Chopra kidnapping case, also known as the Ranga-Billa case, was a kidnapping and murder crime in New Delhi in 1978); it also reveals a glimpse of Sunil’s love angle.
Watch Black Warrant trailer
More About Black Warrant
The Hindi crime drama show was helmed by Arkesh Ajay, Vikramaditya Motwane, Ambiecka Pandit, Rohin Raveendran Nair, & Satyanshu Singh, with the story adopted by Satyanshu Singh & Arkesh Ajay, cinematography handled by Saumyananda Sahi, and intense music delivered by Ajay Jayanthi. Stars teamed up with the venture are Zahan Kapoor, Rahul Bhat, Paramvir Cheema, and Anurag Thakur.
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