Pushpa 2 box office collection day 4: Naveen Yerneni and Yalamanchili Ravi Shankar jointly backed the mass action drama “Pushpa 2: The Rule,” featuring Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, Fahadh Faasil, Jagapathi Babu, and others, finally completing a 4-day extended weekend at the box office. On the opening Sunday, the entertainer racked up the 2nd highest number since release, roughly Rs 141.5 Cr, just after the opening day score (Rs 165.95 Cr), and now the weekend total domestic sum enters a phenomenal Rs 500 Cr club; scroll down for the day-wise collection breakdown.
Pushpa 2 box office collection day 4 secures 60.43% higher collection than Kalki 2898 AD
As per the latest update, Sukumar directed and wrote Pushpa 2: The Rule, which, in the last 3 days, generated Rs 392.25 Cr net in the last 3 days in India, followed by, as per the rough data of Sacnilk.com, on day 4/1st Sunday, witnesses an impressive 18.66% spike and adds Rs 141.5 Cr net in India, marking it as a 60.43% higher collection than 2024’s biggest grosser PAN Indian film till the date, Kalki 2898 AD (Rs 88.2 Cr). After spending 4 days on an extended weekend, the total domestic net score reaches the fifth century club and stands at Rs 533.75 Cr.
Pushpa 2 The Rule weekend total domestic net collection breakdown
Pushpa 2 paid premier collection: Rs 10.65 Cr [Te: 10.65 Cr ]
Pushpa 2 day 1 net collection: Rs 165.95 Cr [Te: 80.3 Cr ; Hi: 70.3 Cr; Ta: 7.7 Cr; Ka: 1 Cr; Mal: 4.95 Cr]
Pushpa 2 day 2 net collection: Rs 95.9 Cr [Te: 28.6 Cr ; Hi: 59 Cr; Ta: 5.8 Cr; Ka: 0.65 Cr; Mal: 1.85 Cr]
Pushpa 2 day 3 net collection: Rs 119.75 Cr [Te: 35 Cr ; Hi: 74 Cr; Ta: 8.1 Cr; Ka: 0.8 Cr; Mal: 1.85 Cr]
Pushpa 2 day 4 net collection: Rs 141.5 Cr [Te: 44 Cr ; Hi: 85 Cr; Ta: 9.5 Cr; Ka: 1.1 Cr; Mal: 1.9 Cr] * rough data
Pushpa 2 total domestic net collection: Rs 533.75 Cr [Te: 198.55 Cr; Hi: 290 Cr; Ta: 31.1 Cr; Ka: 3.55 Cr; Mal: 10.55 Cr]
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Disclaimer: Please note that all box office collections are taken from other news and media websites, so this is not the exact amount.